Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dog Sledding I

Went dog sledding with Nik. Realising a dream I always had since reading Jack London.
One of the Cars/Trailers with equipment.

From the side. Behind each little door will be a dog.

Max and Moritz eager to go. Chained and waiting to be put in front of a sled.

Spot - what a cool look. Might got in a bar fight last night. ;)

Awwww - yes we will take you home.

Dog Sledding II

Oh look at the nose taking a sniff at freedom. I know it is not cruel but it looks like it. Oh how do I value my freedom to go and to be where I choose to be.

A little pigeon - have not seen these little fellows in a while - thought they went down south. He picked up bits and pieces of dog food...

So cute.

Ready to be put in front of a sled and to go.

Before take off - our NZ guide puts the dogs in front of the sled.

Naomi on the left and Captain on the right. She is so tiny and he is so big.

The dogs had to poo and pee a lot. I did not expect that. But man when the little dog came down to poo and the momentum of the others just carried her on. A hilarious sight.


We did the Great Divide Tour. 1 1/2 - 2 hours with the chance to be behind the sled for a little bit. Awsome.

Nik and I on the sled. It was not cold but the speed made it cold. Nik was definitely better isolated then I and it was comfy to have him in front.

Dog Sledding III

Us on the sled with the team in front.

The team excited to go.


Our guide.

The track.

Nik behind standing on the sled with the guide.

Well he dared to be out there I stayed warm.

Let's go again after the turning point.


Dog Sledding IV

On the go.

Back to camp.

Our backdrop - The Rocky Mountains.

The guide checking the team.

After the deed done some well earned and deserved food. Apparently all the vet and food bills are insane. You keep the dogs out of passion not as a business venture.

Waiting for Lunch to be served.

It's over and gone. Sniff.

Oh what a beauty.

Guys playing hockey on Lake Louise with Mt. Victoria and the Victoria glacier in the back.

One can go with a horse sled around the Lake if one wishes to do so.

Finished Skulptures II

The Olympic rings. In regardes to the torch relay and to kick off the Ice Magic Festival.

A kinda ugly guy.

Reach for the stars.

This sculpture won peoples choice award.

The sculpture by the NZ team.

Can't remember which place they got 4-5 I think.

The skier - very well done - with proportions and stuff.

The speed skaters - one of them broke down.


My favourite and 1st place winner.

Finished Skulptures I

After our Dogsled experience Nik and I went up to the lake since Nik hadn't seen the icesculptures and I had not seen them finished so far.
2 nd place - earned. I had hoped for better weather to take pictures. Well this is what we've got.

3 rd place.

ice skaters.

The lit up sculptures next to us at the Lake Louise Inn.

My favourite - the eagle.

The demons mask.

The three apes with the banana.

A harp - a symbol for something.

Two swordfish I think.

A big green fish.

A native face.